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Networking Opportunities

Don't miss out on one of the most valuable aspects of your conference experience — the ability to network with your colleagues. More information about networking opportunities at the conference will be posted as the conference program is finalized.


NASFAA Communities can help you and your team find your people. Join us on Slack to have real-time conversations with financial aid professionals across the country.

Social Media | #NASFAA2024

NASFAA members are encouraged to use social media to get connected — and stay connected — to colleagues before, during, and after the conference. Use #NASFAA2024 in posts about the conference. 

First-Time Conference Attendee Networking Events

We will have a robust schedule of events for first-time attendees to meet each other. More details will be available in the spring.


Connect directly with other NASFAA members via our Membership Directory and Speaker and Mentor Professional Directory.