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A Letter to Your Manager

Justify your attendance at the NASFAA National Conference by copying and pasting the text below and updating the items in brackets accordingly.


Dear [First Name]:

Keeping up with the ever-changing laws and regulations that govern the Title IV student financial aid programs has become increasingly difficult. With the budget battles in Congress and the increase in audits announced by the U.S. Department of Education, it is vital that we in the financial aid office stay up-to-date and learn how to implement any changes to the student aid programs so [your institution] remains in compliance. For this reason, I am proposing that I attend the annual meeting of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), being held June 16-19, 2024 in Milwaukee, WI.

The NASFAA Conference will provide me with valuable, updated information on the student aid programs and, most importantly, how to implement any changes to better serve our students – a vital training and professional development opportunity that cannot be gained anywhere else.

I have identified several key sessions that I will have the opportunity to attend during the conference:

[Sessions descriptions will be available online soon!]

Nearly 2,000 financial aid professionals from across the country attend the NASFAA National Conference each year to learn, network, and share best practices. In addition to my peers, I will have access to the U.S. Department of Education and NASFAA regulatory experts, where I can ask specific Title IV questions. I will also have the opportunity to learn about product and software innovations so I can evaluate the state of our current processes, software and vendors.

For use by FAACs Only: As an FAAC® certified through NASFAA’s Certified Financial Aid Administrator® (CFAA) Program, I am required to earn 60 Recertification Points (RPs) every three years through training and professional development. Attendance at the National Conference will qualify for 10 RPs as an experience that will contribute greatly to my continuing education.

The cost to send me to the conference is:

  • Registration: [cost]
  • Airfare: [cost]
  • Hotel: [cost]
  • Meals: [cost]
  • Total Cost: [cost]

I hope you agree that the NASFAA Conference is a good investment of time and resources that will benefit the financial aid office, the institution, and our students greatly. I’d like your approval to register today.

Thank you for considering this request.

[Your Name]