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Sessions & Speakers

Opening Session With Keynote From Lt. Colonel Olga Custodio

Session Type:

General Session


The first Latina to complete the U.S. Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training and graduate in the top 5% of her class (of 48) with a fighter qualification to fly the T-38 as an instructor pilot, Olga E. Custodio points to three principles that have helped her become successful in a profession dominated by men: overcoming self-doubt, staying open to possibilities, and seeing herself as an equal.

Thursday, June 29

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Ballroom 20ABCD

Session Speakers

Brad Barnett

Brad Barnett, FAAC

Associate VP for Access & Enrollment Management/Financial Aid Director
James Madison University

Sector: Public 4-Yr

Brad Barnett is an Accredited Financial Counselor, Certified Personal Financial Manager, and Certified Financial Aid Administrator who works as the Associate Vice President for Access and Enrollment Management/Director of Financial Aid & Scholarships at James Madison University. Closing in on three decades of experience in the financial aid profession, Brad has been active in state, regional, and national financial aid associations as a presenter, committee member/chair, and elected officer. A past president of VASFAA and SASFAA, he has also served NASFAA on the Financial Affairs Committee, as Treasurer, as Conference Chair, as a Standards of Excellence (SOE) Reviewer/Team Lead, and as a SOE Assessment Leader. Currently, Brad is serving on the NASFAA Board of Directors and holds the position of NASFAA National Chair. Brad received the VAFSAA Excellence Award, VASFAA Life Membership Award, SASFAA Distinguished Service Award, and NASFAA Regional Leadership Award. In addition to these activities, he teaches personal finance courses (on-line and in person) at JMU and provides financial counseling services on a professional basis outside of his role with JMU.
Justin Draeger

Justin Draeger

President and CEO

Sector: Unspecified

Justin is president and CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. He serves as the primary voice of NASFAA and as the liaison between the association members, the U.S. Congress, federal agencies and the media. Most of Justin's career has been devoted to assisting disadvantaged populations achieve their educational goals and better their communities. Since 2002, Justin has been engaged in either administering, interpreting, communicating, or developing student financial aid policy. His prior experiences include working as a financial aid director, regulatory and policy analyst, and spokesperson. He has held senior positions overseeing government relations, communications, and policy work. Justin has testified in multiple Congressional hearings on student financial aid, college access, student loan policy, and the interplay between federal agencies and colleges and universities. He is frequently quoted in the press and has appeared on The Today Show on NBC, National Public Radio, APM's Marketplace, Fox Business News, CNBC, and C-SPAN, and is often quoted in national news outlets. Justin serves on several boards of directors that promote health and education. He earned his undergraduate from Brigham Young University and his MBA from Baker College. Justin lives in Fairfax, Virginia with his wife and three children.

Note: Speaker and moderator information is self-reported.