NASFAA Business Services: Customer Service in Financial Aid


Date Recorded: October 11, 2023
Duration: 75 Minutes
Price: Free

Webinar Logo We've all had good customer service experiences, and those that left a lot to be desired. While financial aid is a student service function with customers at its core, aid administrators also must follow a plethora of rules that can come across as not customer-friendly. Join this webinar to learn how to balance following the rules with providing a positive customer experience.


 Chrissy GassChrissy Gass
 Director of Scholarships
 Florida Atlantic University


Steven McDowellSteven J. McDowell
Associate Vice President for Financial Aid Services and Title IV Compliance
Connecticut State Community College


Anna TerfehrAnna Terfehr
Director of Scholarships & Financial Aid
University of Wyoming


Mandy Sponholtz
Director of Operations
Blue Icon Advisors


Tammy Harrison
Senior Consultant
Blue Icon Advisors


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