Sponsor NASFAA Webinars

NASFAA's 29,000+ members are a key target market for companies like yours. We know that most of our members join NASFAA for the educational opportunities offered at the National Conference, through NASFAA U Online Courses, and through NASFAA Webinars

Our webinars, which feature experts in the field and experienced NASFAA staff who have worked in financial aid offices around the country, provide in depth coverage of timely topics.

Benefits of Sponsorship 

  • Sponsor logo, link, and description on webinar web page.
  • Email on behalf of the sponsor is sent to all registrants the day before the live webinar.
  • Webinar attendees are encouraged to reach out to the sponsor via email using the "Contact Us" widget and/or opt-in to share their email address on the webinar survey.
  • Sponsor will receive a full list of webinar registrants, including first name, last name, and institution.

NASFAA Webinars Details

  • Registrations have been averaging nearly 2,900 registrants per webinar.
  • Feedback collected on NASFAA's webinars shows that, on average, 97% of webinar attendees responded positively to questions such as: Did you find the webinar useful? Did you find the webinar effective? Would you recommend NASFAA webinars to others?

Upcoming NASFAA Webinars Available for Sponsorship

Sponsorship Details (PDF) | NASFAA Webinars

The price for sponsorship is $7,500 per webinar.

Please contact Carissa Uhlman with your questions or request for sponsorship.

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