Test Preview: Student Eligibility

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To earn this credential, you will need to know the student eligibility requirements for receipt of federal financial aid. This will help you demonstrate the ability to protect the integrity of the Title IV programs by ensuring—prior to awarding or disbursement of funds—that your school’s students meet all relevant student-related and program-related eligibility requirements.

The range of topics in this test include:

  • General Concepts of Student Eligibility
  • Criteria Checked Via the Application Process
  • Criteria Checked and Monitored by the School
  • Educational Coursework and Programs Affecting Student Eligibility and Changes in Eligibility

Tests may include questions pertaining to a variety of program structures, such as credit- or clock-hour, term or nonterm, standard or nonstandard term, undergraduate or graduate/professional programs, and programs of various length (shorter than one year, two-year, four-year, certificate, etc.).

Sample Test Questions

Select to EnlargeAll tests will include a combination of multiple-choice and scenario-based questions. Some questions may involve viewing or downloading worksheets, charts, and tables. Please ensure you have a calculator available while taking a credential test.

Review the following examples, which are similar in structure and scope to the questions that will appear on the test for this topic. Check your answers by selecting the question's link.

1. A student must be enrolled at least half time to receive aid from the __________ program.

    • Federal Pell Grant
    • Federal Direct Loan
    • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
    • TEACH Grant

2. An individual is eligible for FSA funds if he

    • is subject to a lien for a debt owe to the United States.
    • inadvertently obtained Title IV loan funds in an amount that exceeds annual or aggregate limits.
    • has been placed on financial aid probation for failure to meet SAP.
    • is dually enrolled in secondary and post-secondary school.

3. Which application database matching process could result in a student flagged for Unusual Enrollment History?

    • Social Security Administration (SSA)
    • National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
    • Common Origination and Disbursement (COD)
    • National Student Clearinghouse

4. A previously ineligible student who gains eligibility during the award year may receive

    • Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, Campus-Based aid and Direct Loan funds for the entire payment period.
    • Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, Campus-Based aid and Direct Loan funds for the period of enrollment for which she becomes eligible.
    • Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, Campus-Based aid for the entire payment period and Direct Loan funds for the period of enrollment in which she becomes eligible.
    • Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, Campus-Based aid for the period of enrollment in which she becomes eligible and Direct Loan funds for the entire payment period.

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