Office Culture: Managing Change Through Communication and Connection


Date Recorded: December 6, 2023
Duration: 90 Minutes
Price: Free for Value Plus and Webinar Package
$120.00 for other members
$240.00 for Non-members

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While adapting to change has always been an important skill for financial aid administrators, transformational changes such as FAFSA Simplification and disruptions in the workforce present greater challenges than ever before. To help meet the challenge, Jackie Copeland, Chrissy Gass, Vanessa Martineau, and Art Young join NASFAA’s Susan Shogren to explore change management and interpersonal communication as foundational professional skills. This panel of experienced financial aid administrators and association leaders will share stories and strategies for communicating, managing, and sustaining change effectively.


Susan Shogren, ICE-CCP, CPTD®
Director of Certification and Credentialing


Jackie Copeland
Associate Provost and Director, Office of Scholarships and Student Aid 
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Chrissy Gass
Director of Scholarships, Financial Aid Office                                          
Florida Atlantic University


Vanessa Martineau
Director, Financial Aid                                                                                         
Western Governor's University


Art Young
Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management and the Executive Director in the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) 
University of Arizona


This webinar is part of the 2023-24 series. Institutions that hold a Value Plus-Level NASFAA membership, and those that have purchased NASFAA's Webinar Package, must have already made their payment for the 2023-24 fiscal year in order for this webinar to appear as free during the checkout process. You can check your renewal status and add the webinar package option if your paid membership level does not include it. Once dues are paid in full, the price will immediately adjust for all roster members.

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Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Recertification Points (RP)

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