OTC From the Field: Breaking Down Student Loan Programs With Dr. Tisa Silver Canady

This week on a special episode of “Off The Cuff,” Justin is joined by Dr. Tisa Silver Canady, the founder and executive director of the Maryland Center for Collegiate Financial Wellness, to discuss student loan repayment, including some significant changes in the system that occurred in the past three years during the pause on federally-held student loans, and where things stand as repayment resumes. Justin and Tisa break down what repayment options are available to borrowers, discuss the importance of using return on investment as a metric for assessing postsecondary options, and help make sense of confusing messaging over the Biden administration’s attempts to carry out a student debt cancellation program.


Justin Draeger Tisa Silver Canady Hugh Ferguson
Justin Draeger
President and CEO, NASFAA

Dr. Tisa Silver Canady
Founder and Executive Director of the Maryland Center for Collegiate Financial Wellness
Hugh Ferguson
Senior Reporter / Podcast Producer

BlueIcon Group Coaching This episode of Off The Cuff is brought to you by Blue Icon Advisors' P&P Group Coaching. Looking to get started or rebuild your policies and procedures? This intensive, six-week group coaching experience is focused exclusively on helping you apply your knowledge, and receive practical advice from experienced financial aid leaders. The next cohort starts January 22 - register by January 19 to secure your spot!

Publication Date: 12/1/2023

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