Biden Touts Commitment to Double Pell and Free Community College

Related Topics in the Ref Desk: Cost of AttendancePell Grant

By Hugh T. Ferguson, NASFAA Staff Reporter

President Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Illinois' McHenry County College where he further committed to his higher education agenda by recommitting his administration’s pledge to double the maximum Pell Grant award as well as providing students with access to free community college.

There are currently a variety of legislative pathways that Biden’s higher education proposals could take in the months ahead, including the annual appropriations process, via a special budgetary maneuver called reconciliation (which would allow for components of policies to get implemented with some majorities), and a bipartisan infrastructure-based package that the administration has been aiming to move with buy-in from Republican Senators.

Stay tuned to Today’s News as we continue to monitor developments concerning the administration’s higher education agenda.



Publication Date: 7/8/2021

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