NASFAA Requests Extension of GE Data Reporting Deadline

By Joan Berkes, Policy & Federal Relations Staff 

On Friday, NASFAA sent a letter to the Department of Education requesting an extension of the July 31 deadline date for submission of gainful employment (GE) data. Generally, schools must submit data on all Title IV recipients who were enrolled in gainful employment programs (essentially all non-degree programs at public and nonprofit institutions, and most programs at for-profit institutions) during the 2008-09 through 2013-14 award years. Data for 2007-08 must also be reported for programs that require medical or dental residencies.

The letter reflects concerns expressed by NASFAA conference attendees, particularly from the community college and proprietary sectors, that schools need more time to ensure accurate reporting. At the federal town hall session the Department reported that only 17 percent of schools had thus far reported their data. The letter points out that guidance has been spread out over the past 6 months, with additional Q&As just posted in the past few days. NASFAA has asked for the deadline to be delayed until January 31 to enable schools to submit accurate data for the several years encompassed by this first report under regulations issued last October 31.


Publication Date: 7/27/2015

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