December State & Regional Association Updates

By Maria Carrasco, NASFAA Staff Reporter

In this monthly round-up in Today's News, we would like to highlight what’s going on in your state and regional associations. 

This month, we have the opportunity to hear from our colleagues from Texas, Mississippi, Nebraska, and the Western Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (WASFAA). 

Denise Welch, president of TASFAA (Texas), shares that the association’s board will meet in December for its first meeting of the year. The board will meet at the hotel for TASFAA’s  2024 annual conference and will work on the association’s budget and new strategic plan. Denise adds that the board is looking forward to a productive year as aid offices navigate FAFSA simplification. 

Heather Dearman, president of MASFAA (Mississippi), shares that the association held its  annual fall training event at Holmes Community College in Ridgeland, Mississippi on November 2. The event had a 167% increase in attendance and was led by Jaime Missimer, FAAC®, MASFAA’s vice president. Presenters for the training included Get2College, Kari Dedwylder of Jones College, Jennifer Rogers of the Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid, and Terry Bland of Itawamba Community College. Heather adds that the training also had a coloring station for attendees who were feeling stressed. 

Additionally, Heather shared that the association hosted regional watch parties throughout the state for the Federal Student Aid (FSA) Virtual Training Conference in late November. “We hope this will give financial aid administrators/staff the conference atmosphere and have people on hand to help provide clarity on the topics of the day,” Heather writes. 

Traci Boeve, president of NeASFAA (Nebraska), shares that the association recently completed its fall virtual training, which was organized by NeASFAA’s professional development and recognition committee. The training consisted of 60- to 90-minute sessions spread out over three days, with topics including a demonstration of the updated 2024-25 FAFSA by Education Quest, a state update from the Nebraska's Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education, a deep dive into farm income reporting, and more. “It was a great way to reconnect and engage our members in Nebraska!” Traci writes. 

Amanda Cornelius, president of WASFAA, shares that the association concluded this year’s Jerry R. Sims Management and Leadership Institute (MLI) in Tucson, Arizona. “It was a successful event and the first of our more streamlined suite of training events,” Amanda writes. She adds that many of the MLI participants are also in WASFAA’s Rebekah Hoppel Salcedo Leadership Development Program (LDP). LDP mentors served as faculty for MLI, and will work with mentees throughout the year to support WASFAA’s Summer Institute programming in June.

Additionally, Amanda shares that WASFAA’s Executive Council elections have just opened and that the association will announce the winners in the new year. 

Check back next month to see what your colleagues are doing across the country, and check out your colleagues’ updates from previous months!


Publication Date: 12/8/2023

Vickey C | 12/8/2023 11:48:03 AM

It would be much more helpful if state organizations reported on what was happening at the state legislative-level if it has the potential to effect financial aid.

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