FSA: Consent Revocation Not Necessary for FAFSA

By Hugh T. Ferguson, NASFAA Senior Staff Reporter

On Friday Federal Student Aid (FSA) announced that the consent revocation process is not necessary for FAFSA purposes.

The announcement follows comments NASFAA submitted to the Department of Education (ED) questioning the need for ED to create a consent revocation process for FAFSA filers, in accordance with the FUTURE Act, on the basis that consent for FAFSA purposes is given for a finite period of time.

According to FSA’s announcement, the ability to revoke consent for disclosure and use of IRS information beginning with the 2024-25 year is not needed for FAFSA purposes because the FAFSA contributor is providing a one-time consent for a specific tax year and an annual consent is required for each FAFSA cycle.


Publication Date: 5/15/2023

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