13 Reasons Why NASFAA Members Are Awesome

By Maria Carrasco, NASFAA Staff Reporter

Read on to find out why we think NASFAA members are so awesome.

1. You can roll with the punches.


2022 has brought an onslaught of new challenges, but you're still getting the job done!

2. You're able to juggle a whole lot.


You show up every day to help and support students and their families amid staffing shortages and increased workloads.

3. You're crushing it with the influx of professional judgment requests many offices are seeing.


The pandemic has caused major changes in financial circumstances for students and families across the country, resulting in an uptick in requests for professional judgment (PJ). According to a new NASFAA report, institutions saw a 41% increase in PJ inquiries and a 37% increase in PJ requests during the pandemic. 

4. You help students reach their goals…


... and make their dreams come true.


Students across the country have said that attending college would have been a dream just out of their reach if not for financial aid. That wouldn't be possible without you, the "dreamkeepers" who open the doors of opportunity to students.

5. You work long hours…


... but you know it’s worth it.


There's no doubt about it — working in the financial aid office means long hours dealing with complicated issues. From processing verification requests and disbursements, to counseling students and staying on top of the latest federal guidance, you do it all.

6. You wear many hats and fill roles for students without guidance.


Counselor, confidant, therapist, teacher, advocate — financial aid administrators are many things to many people.

7. You're regulatory experts.


You know that in order to best help your students, you need to be up to speed on Title IV regulations, and even how potential legislative changes could impact the access to and delivery of federal student aid. It's no small feat, and you tackle it like pros!

8. You know how to manage competing priorities to get the job done…


... but you also appreciate those rare moments of relaxation.


Managing two award years concurrently, federal reports, state reports, financial aid nights — and that's just October. There is a lot to do and you get it done with aplomb ... and maybe a little caffeine.

9. You don’t just crunch numbers, you take the time to listen to students and give them moral support…


... and encouragement.


As 2021-22 National Chair Brent Tener said during the 2021 NASFAA National Conference in Austin, “You have a direct impact on the trajectory of students' lives — a reality that has come into sharper focus over the past two years as financial aid administrators helped many struggling students and families find a way forward."

10. You’re no stranger to teamwork. You collaborate with others in your office and on your campus to get the best result.


It's not uncommon that others on campus might be a little unsure of what exactly financial aid administrators do. With your job comes rules, conditions, reports, disclosures, and sometimes unrelated social agendas, the effects of which can extend well beyond the financial aid office into many other areas of an institution. Communicating across the campus is essential. 

11. You step up and advocate for the profession and for students.


No one is better equipped than NASFAA members to tell lawmakers what students and institutions really need when it comes to federal financial aid. Your on-the-ground perspective is invaluable in advocating for your schools and your students. 

12. You are always looking for opportunities to grow and learn.


NASFAA members continue to exceed expectations in their dedication to lifelong learning. To date, there have been more than 29,000 credentials earned by over 8,500 people across 17 subjects. More than 220 financial aid professionals have earned all of the credentials. 

13. Nobody says “It depends” quite like you do!



Publication Date: 10/24/2022

Julia D | 8/11/2023 10:56:15 AM

This is awesome and well-needed in August. Thank you!

LaTasha G | 8/11/2023 9:26:45 AM

This is Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

Carey J | 8/11/2023 8:17:14 AM

That is the laugh I needed to get this day started. Thank you!

Mandy S | 10/31/2022 3:42:21 PM

This is fabulous AND so true! Love it!! 🤩

Devon W | 10/25/2022 2:41:14 PM

So funny! Love it!

Ashly E | 10/24/2022 6:21:47 PM

Thank you for the smiles and appreciation, NASFAA! :)

Calette F | 10/24/2022 2:33:02 PM

Well said and thank you. You are awesome for highlighting what we really do in the most fun and interested way. Would not have it any other way! LOVE IT!

Jessica H | 10/24/2022 1:27:12 PM

Thanks NASFAA, I needed that!

AnnMarie K | 10/24/2022 11:44:10 AM

This GREAT!!!!!!!! Thank you NASFAA!

Jennifer B | 10/24/2022 9:27:07 AM

This is so great! Thank you for the Monday morning laugh and encouragement!

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