Biden Signs Short-Term Spending Bill for Fiscal Year 2023

By Hugh T. Ferguson, NASFAA Senior Staff Reporter

Over the weekend, President Joe Biden signed a continuing resolution that will keep the government funded through December 16, offering Congress additional time to work through spending levels for fiscal year 2023 following the midterm elections. Congressional negotiators will need to reconcile the differences between the Senate’s drafted spending plan that contains $87.3 billion in base discretionary funding for ED, with the House’s $86.7 billion package for the agency.

Even though the budgeting cycle for fiscal year 2024 began on October 1, Congress still needs to wrap up work on the previous budgeting season, which could be further complicated by potential changes to the makeup of the House and Senate come January.

Stay tuned to Today’s News for more details and get the latest information on the federal budget process, see NASFAA’s Federal Budget and Appropriations page and NASFAA’s budget FAQs.


Publication Date: 10/3/2022

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