NASFAA Virtual Conference Closing Session: NASFAA's Washington Roundup

By Hugh T. Ferguson, NASFAA Senior Staff Reporter

Attendees wrapped up the 2022 NASFAA Virtual Conference with a session focusing on key updates on policy initiatives taking shape in Washington that will directly impact student aid policy.

NASFAA’s policy team walked participants through their ongoing work and detailed the federal legislative landscape, with updates from the White House, Congress, and the Department of Education (ED) on a wide range of issues.

The conversation was spearheaded by NASFAA President Justin Draeger and Vice President for Public Policy & Federal Relations Karen McCarthy, who shared their expectations for the months and year ahead regarding federal higher education policy.

Topics discussed included student loan forgiveness, the ongoing pause on federal student loan repayment, the status of the Higher Education Act (HEA) reauthorization efforts, the federal budgeting process, FAFSA simplification, upcoming regulations through the negotiated rulemaking process, and the continuing impact of the pandemic.

Draeger provided an update on the Biden administration’s higher education agenda and how officials have continued to push for doubling the maximum Pell Grant, implementing repayment simplification, and enhancing accountability in higher education.

Participants were also able to learn about the latest efforts to adjust student aid policy through proposals focused on Pell Grant expansion, foreign gift reporting disclosure, and conversations on specific pieces of legislation like Build Back Better, the America COMPETES Act, and the National Defense Authorization Act — which could all serve as pathways for higher education policy to make its way to the president’s desk.

Throughout the conversation, members were also able to participate in a rolling Q&A to address issues that came up during the policy presentation.

The policy team also shared a number of resources that NASFAA offers, including matrices on “Free College” proposals, NASFAA’s SAI Modeling Tool, the Student Aid Reference Desk, and a detailed policy paper on bolstering student aid policies.


Publication Date: 7/18/2022

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