ED Awards Final HEERF Aid to Postsecondary Institutions With Greatest Unmet Need

By Hugh T. Ferguson, NASFAA Senior Staff Reporter

The Department of Education (ED) on Wednesday awarded $198 million in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds III (HEERF III) created under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) to assist students at 244 colleges and universities and provide resources to those institutions to help them recover from the pandemic.

According to ED, nearly 90% of these awards will go toward historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), minority-serving institutions (MSIs), community colleges, rural institutions, and institutions serving large populations of low-income students. The majority of institutions that received the latest round of aid will also be required to distribute half of all grant funds directly to students to support housing, tuition support, food insecurity, and other basic needs.

In the coming days, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona and First Lady Jill Biden are expected to host a joint event that will highlight the impacts these grants have had on higher education students and institutions.

Wednesday’s announcement also reminded schools that institutional ARP funds can be used to provide basic needs support, expand mental health care, create retention programs, and monitor and suppress the spread of COVID-19, among other initiatives that are designed to respond to the pandemic.


Publication Date: 7/14/2022

Lynn H | 7/19/2022 11:58:11 AM

Link to school listing

Solomon M | 7/15/2022 6:20:33 PM

I believe the link after "Supplemental Support under the American Rescue Plan (SSARP) Allocation Table" contains the school awardee list.

Jennifer B | 7/15/2022 4:4:01 PM

Any update on a school list?

Courtney R | 7/14/2022 3:27:13 PM

We applied for funds and have not heard either way if we are approved or denied. I would love to see the list of institutions awarded, but can't find it! How do you know 244 schools got awarded it?

Regina M | 7/14/2022 1:56:07 PM

Is there an updated link for the list of schools?

Susan J | 7/14/2022 1:0:02 PM

How do I find the list of schools that received additional funding?

Thomas V | 7/14/2022 10:17:11 AM

Yes, Patricia...I see state allocation totals but no individual school information.

Patricia S | 7/14/2022 9:58:12 AM

I don't see where the colleges are listed with the amounts of additional aid. Where do I find this to see if my institution received more funds? The link provided just lists the states.

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