ED: Updated College Scorecard Includes Non-Degree Granting Institutions, Preliminary Program-Level Data

By Allie Arcese, Director of Communications

By Allie Bidwell, NASFAA Senior Reporter

The Department of Education (ED) on Tuesday announced several updates to the College Scorecard, including the addition of data from 2,100 non-degree granting institutions, and preliminary data on program-level student loan debt.

The Trump administration has on multiple occasions suggested expanding data included on the College Scorecard, and was criticized by House Democrats for a recent decision to remove a metric that allowed users to compare institutional academic and financial outcomes to the national average. Most recently, President Donald Trump in March required an expansion of the scorecard in his first higher education-related Executive Order (EO), which directed ED to add new program-level and institution-level data to the College Scorecard by Jan. 1, 2020. The administration also used a suggested expansion of the scorecard to justify its proposed elimination of the gainful employment rule.

"We committed to students that we would continually improve the College Scorecard so that they could access relevant, accurate and actionable data as they make decisions about their education after high school," said Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, in a statement. "The updates released today are another step in fulfilling that promise. We look forward to seeing how students, parents, institutions and researchers utilize this important information."

In addition to the inclusion of non-degree granting programs, ED also added information on graduation rates for non-first-time and non-full-time students. The scorecard now also includes the percentage of students who transferred or were still enrolled.

ED is also asking institutions to update their historical enrollment data to provide program-level student loan debt metrics and said it will publish updated data this fall.


Publication Date: 5/22/2019

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