Final 2019 Appropriations Bill Permits Expanded FAFSA Data Sharing

Karen McCarthy, NASFAA Policy and Federal Relations Staff

The final fiscal year 2019 appropriations bill signed into law by President Donald Trump last week permits schools to share FAFSA data with additional organizations that meet certain criteria, with the student’s written consent.

The fiscal year 2018 spending bill had allowed schools to share FAFSA data with scholarship providers and tribal organizations, also with the student’s written consent. The fiscal year 2019 spending bill expands that language to also allow an institution to share FAFSA data — with the student's written consent — with an organization "assisting the applicant in applying for and receiving Federal, State, local, or tribal assistance that is designated by the applicant to assist the applicant in applying for and receiving financial assistance for any component of the applicant's cost of attendance."

NASFAA has advocated heavily over the past year for a solution to the FAFSA data-sharing issue, and most recently supported the inclusion of this provision in its July letter to congressional appropriations leaders.

NASFAA has asked Department of Education staff if they plan to release any implementing guidance to schools. Stay tuned to Today's News for further updates on FAFSA data sharing.


Publication Date: 10/4/2018

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