Listserv Use Policy

NASFAA provides several listservs as a service to members/users. Participation on the listservs is voluntary. By remaining subscribed to a list, users agree to the following conditions:

  1. Contents and opinions expressed on this listserv are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions of NASFAA.
  2. Messages posted to any of these lists are public domain. Users should not post anything in a listserv message that they do not want made publicly available or that they would not want attributed to themselves.
  3. Marketing language, advertising, and/or promotional messaging for personal or organizational gain is strictly forbidden. We also ask that users refrain from posting job ads or including promotional/advertising messages at the end of a posted message and/or in the email signature line. Decisions about what constitutes marketing language, advertising, and/or promotional messaging are at the discretion of the list administrator(s). Participants who violate this rule will be removed from the listserv without warning.
  4. Transmission of offensive materials including sexually explicit or obscene images, messages, or cartoons, or the transmission of communications containing ethnic slurs, racial epithets, or anything that may be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, age, marital status, disability, status as a Vietnamera disabled veteran, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state or local law, is strictly prohibited. Participants who violate this rule will be removed from the listserv without warning.
  5. The listserv administrator reserves the right to terminate the listserv and/or any individual list at any time.
  6. The listserv administrator reserves the right to terminate any individual's subscription at any time.
  7. The listserv administrator reserves the right to make changes and modifications to this listserv and/or any individual list at any time.
  8. NASFAA reserves the right to close any list at any time.

Listserv Administrator Responsibilities

Listserv administrators - normally NASFAA volunteers - are responsible for:

  • contributing content regularly to the list
  • enforcing listserv hosting policies
  • notifying list owners about changes to listserv (as needed)

NASFAA staff will provide administrative support by:

  • managing subscribers and creating new lists for owners
  • deleting unneeded lists or messages, performing other listserv cleanup duties
  • training list owners on listserv functions (as needed)

Publication Date: 10/27/2015

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