Legislative Tracker: Pell Grants

Legislative Tracker Logo On this page, you'll find proposals that include recommendations for expanding or altering the Federal Pell Grant Program.

H.R. 6585 – Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act

Sponsor: Rep. Stefanik [R-NY]
Introduced: 12/05/2023
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would provide Pell Grants to students enrolled in eligible short-term programs. The bill outlines requirements for program eligibility and data collection, as well as accreditation determination. Institutions subject to the endowment tax would be prohibited from awarding federal student loans to eligible students, as well as federal PLUS loans to a parent of a Pell Grant recipient. Additionally, institutions subject to the endowment tax may only receive funding under the FSEOG program if it guarantees that Pell Grant recipients receive a total amount of grants and scholarships that is not less than the student’s cost of attendance.

NASFAA Today’s News (TN) Article: House Unveils Bipartisan Short-Term Pell Grant Legislation

H.R.4931 – Pell Grant Flexibility Act 

Sponsor: Rep. Morelle [D-NY]
Introduced: 07/26/2023
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would allow students with disabilities who take a reduced course load, as approved by the institution of higher education, to receive their full-time equivalent Pell grant. 

S.2442 – PELL Act

Sponsor: Rep. Budd [R-NC]
Introduced: 07/26/2023
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would extend Pell grant eligibility to students at certain short-term workforce programs. In order to be eligible for short-term Pell, programs must meet certain criteria, such as program length, completion rates, job placement rates, and costs to earnings ratio. Additionally, qualifying programs must report and make public data on the length of program, number of students enrolled, completion rates, and employment rates. In order for a student to receive short term Pell, they must be enrolled in an eligible program as described above or have already received a post baccalaureate degree.  

H.R.1655 — Jobs to Compete Act

Sponsor: Scott [Rep.-D-VA]
Introduced: 03/17/2023
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would amend the HEA and extend Pell Grant eligibility to short-term workforce programs that are between 150 and 600 clock hours and have a verified completion rate of at least 70%. To be considered eligible, short-term workforce programs must meet a list of criteria and ED will conclude if the institution providing the programs meets the qualifications. The bill puts in place a measure that calls for interagency data sharing between ED and the Department of Labor, so that the agencies can collect, review, and analyze data relating to the short-term workforce programs. Additionally, the bill outlines requirements that accrediting agencies and associations must meet if they want to evaluate the quality of short-term workforce programs. 

H.R.1742 — Pell Grant Sustainability Act

Sponsor: Casten [Rep.-D-IL] 
Introduced: 03/23/2023
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would ensure that federal resources keep up with changing economic trends by restoring the automatic annual inflation adjustment to the Federal Pell Grant program.

H.R.961 Pell to Grad Act 

Sponsor: Stevens [Rep.-D-MI]
Introduced: 02/09/2023
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would change a students’ Pell Grant eligibility from 12 semesters to 16 semesters. Additionally, if a student has not utilized their entire Pell Grant eligibility during their undergraduate education, this bill would allow them to put their remaining eligibility towards their first graduate degree. 

H.R.793/S.161 — Jumpstarting Our Businesses by Supporting Students (JOBS) Act

Sponsors: Rep. Johnson [R-OH] and Sen. Kaine [D-VA] 
Introduced: 01/31/2023
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would extend Pell Grant eligibility of certain short-term programs that are between 150 and 600 clock hours, offered over the course of at least eight weeks. This bill outlines two additional categories that would qualify for the Pell Grant usage, "eligible career pathway programs" and "eligible job training programs." These programs must meet various criteria to qualify. 

H.R.496 — Promoting Employment and Lifelong Learning (PELL) Act

Sponsor: Rep. Stefanik [R-NY] 
Introduced: 01/25/2023
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would extend Pell Grant eligibility for students seeking to enroll in short-term programs of 150 to 600 clock hours, or an equivalent, offered over the course of eight to 15 weeks. Programs must meet various requirements to be considered eligible. This bill would require that ED publish the costs and outcomes of the eligible short-term programs on the College Scorecard. 


Legislative Tracker Overview   |   Archive: Pell Grants

Publication Date: 12/5/2023

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