One-Time Learning Credit

NASFAA Gives Back LogoThe pandemic, along with current economic conditions, have hit financial aid offices hard. Many offices have had their training and professional development budgets significantly reduced — but we're here to help. 

Through NASFAA Gives Back, NASFAA offered $600 to each NASFAA member institution (2,800 or more schools in all) through a one-time learning credit. We invite you to use your funds on your choice of future NASFAA online courses, conference registration, products, or services in the next 12 months. While the disbursement may not be used to offset membership dues, it could be used toward 2023-24 package upgrades to level-up the benefits your team receives. 

Primary contacts at NASFAA member institutions were emailed a link to an online form to either accept the learning credit for use by their institution during the 2022-23 fiscal year or decline the learning credit and instead donate the $600 allocated for their school to a scholarship fund NASFAA is establishing for under-resourced institutions. (The primary contact is the person at your institution who manages the NASFAA membership roster and dues.)

The decision to accept or donate was due August 31, 2022, and the learning credit expired at 5:00 p.m. ET on June 30, 2023.

Upon acceptance, the learning credit was made available within one business day. All roster members may submit a request to their school's primary contact during the online registration and purchase process for eligible training or events. The learning credit could not be applied to previous purchases or to offset membership dues. 

Please contact Membership Services via email, or at (202) 785-0453 Ext. 1, with any questions.

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