Jayson Matlock

Jayson MatlockJayson Matlock
Financial Aid & Wellness Coordinator
Southern Utah University



Jayson Matlock's motivation in both his personal and professional life stems from a desire to establish a legacy for his family and to pave the way for others while breaking down generational wealth barriers. He found his way to financial aid as a work-study student at Southern Utah University nearly a decade ago, quickly learning that the profession is constantly evolving and the challenges of the job consistently yield rewarding, small victories. After graduation and the culmination of his track and field career, Jayson stayed at his alma mater and became a financial aid counselor before transitioning into his current current role as a financial aid and wellness coordinator.

Viewing higher education as a foundation for upward mobility for himself and others, Jayson saw financial aid as an arena to both succeed professionally and provide a platform to give back. 

"Without my education, I would not be fortunate enough to be in the majority of the situations I have experienced as a professional," he said. "There are so many students in our education system who do not have resources, mentors, financial support, and are confused by the complex nature of education and financial aid. My perspective has allowed me to reflect deeper on the struggles that I have endured to succeed in my life, and I know my duty is to clear space for others so that they can not only adapt, but succeed in life."

Jayson said he hopes he can be a part of a larger cultural shift within higher education and financial aid in particular "into a diversity mindset where people can be uncomfortable and embrace the unknown."

"The more we are exposed to the hardships that others face, the better we can address issues through effective communication and restructuring in how we administrate," he said. "As financial aid administrators, we are used to evolving with shifting regulations, and that is the same vision we should adopt for incorporating diversity within our field."

Learn more about Jayson in the brief Q&A below.

How have you seen diversity in higher education change since you began your career? 

In recent years I have witnessed a larger pool of underrepresented individuals holding positions of authority at larger institutions. These individuals are working extremely hard, and act as leaders for others to follow. It's exciting to see more people who look like me sitting at the table!

I can also acknowledge that diversity has had a growing impact on education in that programs, scholarships, and counseling are being provided proactively for marginalized communities to break down barriers to education. In addition, opportunities such as the Diversity Leadership Program have come to fruition, which strengthens our ability to advance and emphasizes the commitment to equity and inclusion within the field.

What are some of your career and personal life goals?

Naturally, I would like to continue advancing in my career to help others on their path. However, I think more important is what I aim to accomplish from this profession. I hope that I leave a lasting legacy and change lives for those that I serve. Education is extremely important to me, and something I wish to share with others in our communities. 

Personally, I would like to learn another language as we move forward into this year, and make sure that I am prioritizing my family's health!

What motivates you to work hard?

My wife and daughter. I continue to reflect back on the moments that I saw my mother struggle as a child, and all that I do in my life now is to give them what I did not have. I want to save my daughter from the realities and pain that financial obstacles can bring, and raise her to be a brilliant Black woman that chases her dreams. My family is my everything.

Any hidden talents?

I'm a singer, and I sing all the time! Recently though, all I have been singing is a song from "The Lion King" since that's all my daughter wants to hear!

What do you do when you're not working?

Ideally, I kick back listening to lo-fi music and spend time in my own head, reflecting. However, I watch a ton of TV with my family, and read every so often. I am also a gamer born and raised, so that's what I do when I am solo!

Meet the 2020-21 DLP Class

Publication Date: 2/17/2021

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