Guidelines for Authors

NASFAA shares the latest in financial aid news with more than 26,000 members every business day. In addition to our daily online and email news coverage, NASFAA presents readers with in-depth, feature-length articles that analyze current topics in student aid, generate discussion, and examine management and professional development issues such as leadership, technology, and communications. These longer format articles are published online and emailed to members via Today’s News as part of the NASFAA Student Aid Perspectives series.

Writing for NASFAA is a rewarding way to share your knowledge with the financial aid community while enhancing your own professional development. We welcome article submissions from our members and others with expertise in relevant fields. Our aim is to provide thought-provoking, informative, and practical content that advances the professional goals and interests of our readers.

Submission guidelines for all NASFAA publications are as follows.

Submission Guidelines


NASFAA accepts articles for all publications on a rolling basis.


Online articles should not exceed 1,500 words. Exceptions should be discussed with the editor prior to submitting the article.


Articles should be written in an engaging magazine style and tone, based on guidance found in the Associated Press Stylebook. Facts included in articles should be supported by data and linked to the appropriate citations where possible. Examples, case studies, quotes, meaningful charts and graphs, and recommended reading lists are encouraged. Articles that are intended to promote a specific product or service will not be accepted.

Proposals and Submissions

All article proposals and submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Please do not submit any article that has previously been published or is scheduled to appear in another publication without discussing it with NASFAA’s editor first.

Acceptance Policy

Once submitted, articles are reviewed by members of the NASFAA staff and/or editorial board and authors are informed of their decision. NASFAA reserves the right to accept or reject any article for any reason. All submitted articles become the copyrighted property of NASFAA.

If you have any questions about writing for NASFAA, please contact [email protected].

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