Exam Accommodation Policy

NASFAA U credential tests are automatically timed for a period of 90 minutes. Examinees should request extended time only if they have a disability that causes them to work more slowly than other students. If a student is usually able to complete tests in the allotted time, or if the examinee's inability to complete tests is not related to a disability, then extended time should not be requested. Requests for accommodation should be made to [email protected] in advance of test purchase.

Include a detailed description of the disability or condition that requires accommodation and an explanation of how it affects test taking under timed conditions, including the frequency, duration, and intensity of the examinee's symptoms. For example, requests for examinees with Tourette's should provide a detailed description of their tics. For examinees with seizure disorders, a detailed description of their seizures and medication is appropriate.

Also include these forms of documentation, as appropriate:

  • Educational history, including use of extended time;
  • Comparisons of examinee's performance under timed and untimed conditions; or
  • Occupational therapy evaluation.

Examinees should stipulate what they believe is reasonable in terms of the time required to complete the exam based on prior experience, such as a specified percentage of the established time.

If an examinee has a visual impairment, NASFAA should be notified in advance of exam purchase. Screen readers and braille printers are allowed, if available to the examinee, but are not provided by NASFAA. If proctoring assistance is required, NASFAA will evaluate those requests as well.

NASFAA will respond to accommodation requests with 48 hours of receipt.

Publication Date: 6/6/2019

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