P&P Builder Conversions

Need Help Inputting Data into the P&P Builder?

NASFAA's Policies & Procedures (P&P) Builder allows schools to copy, paste, and format new and existing policies and procedures content in one centralized tool. We understand that financial aid offices have many competing priorities and getting your existing manual into the P&P Builder can be time-consuming. 

NASFAA is pleased to offer options for schools that want help with this work from experienced professionals:

Blue IconBlue Icon Advisors, NASFAA Consulting

Our growing team of consultants are some of the most knowledgeable people in student financial aid who have worked at director-level up to presidential, cabinet-level positions. Blue Icon is a separate, limited liability corporation (LLC), but is wholly owned by NASFAA. Blue Icon consultants leverage NASFAA's resources and NASFAA stands behind the work. 

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FASFinancial Aid Services (FAS)

FAS has tenured consultants with deep financial aid knowledge who can do the heavy lifting for you. 

FAS can work within your P&P Builder subscription to transfer your existing policies and procedures into the appropriate sections of NASFAA’s online template. You can track the progress and add comments during the conversion. FAS can also alert you to areas that are incomplete or need more information.

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