Test Preview: Consumer Information

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To earn this credential, you will need to know the Title I and Title IV consumer information and disclosure requirements designed to help students and employees make informed decisions regarding their education or employment. This will help you demonstrate the ability to ensure any statements and information provided to enrolled and prospective students and their families, as well as to the U.S. Department of Education (ED), do not constitute substantial misrepresentation of the nature of its educational programs, its financial charges, the employability of its graduates, or its relationship with ED. 

The range of topics in this test include:

  • General Concepts of Consumer Information
  • Institutional Information
  • Campus Security and Fire Safety
  • Completion and Graduation Rates, Transfer Out Rates, and Information about Athletic Programs

Tests may include questions pertaining to a variety of program structures, such as credit- or clock-hour, term or nonterm, standard or nonstandard term, undergraduate or graduate/professional programs, and programs of various length (shorter than one year, two-year, four-year, certificate, etc.).

Sample Test Questions

Select to EnlargeAll tests will include a combination of multiple-choice and scenario-based questions. Some questions may involve viewing or downloading worksheets, charts, and tables. Please ensure you have a calculator available while taking a credential test.

Review the following examples, which are similar in structure and scope to the questions that will appear on the test for this topic. Check your answers by selecting the question's link.

1. An institution with __________ must keep a written, easily understood, daily crime log.

    • on-campus housing
    • gainful employment programs
    • campus-based program funding
    • a campus police or security department

2. Each year, a school must distribute to all enrolled students a notice of the availability of the information it is required to provide in all of the following general categories, EXCEPT

    • FERPA information.
    • equity in athletics data.
    • foreign sources and gifts.
    • an annual security report and fire safety report.

3. A school must disclose the following information about its gainful employment programs to prospective students using the format of the GE Disclosure Template, EXCEPT

    • average EFC for program completers.
    • median loan debt for program completers.
    • on-time graduation rate for program completers.
    • normal time to complete the program.

4. By __________ of each year, a school must distribute its annual security report and fire safety reports to all enrolled students and current employees.

    • January 1
    • June 30
    • July 1
    • October 1

5. Any institution that fails to comply with the consumer information requirements may be suspended or terminated from federal eligibility, and may be

    • required to have staff participate in specialized training from the U.S. Department of Education.
    • fined up to $27,500 for each violation.
    • prohibited from enrolling new students.
    • placed on cash monitoring or reimbursement.

Recommended Resources

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