Discover Your Community

NASFAA Communities Logo Start your journey today. Follow the steps below to join a NASFAA Community. 

  1. View the current community opportunities below and select the one that interests you.
  2. Fill out the corresponding community interest form.
  3. An invitation to join the community will be sent to your email within 7-10 business days. 
  4. Read and familiarize yourself with our community guidelines.

Please note, you must use your institutional email address to participate. No personal emails can be used in the community.

Current Community Opportunities

*Designates a community that is invite-only. Reach out to Tim Maggio if you need to be invited to one of our invite-only communities. 

Our community initiative is still relatively new, so we are releasing community opportunities on an ongoing basis. Is there a community you would like to start? We’d love to hear your feedback or ideas

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