Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Program Fees

Pursuit of the certified designation is an investment that motivated financial aid professionals should make. NASFAA ensures that the certification is priced fairly and competitively among other professional certification programs. Ask for support from your supervisor using the customizable justification letter. Visit the Recognition & Benefits webpage for more perks of becoming certified.

Fee Type



(waived through June 30, 2024!)



Exam Retake




Inactive Status





The following information relates to the fees associated with certification:

  • All fees are nonrefundable.
  • A candidate who does not pass the Knowledge Exam on the first attempt may retake the exam and pay the Exam Retake fee. A candidate can only take the exam once within the same testing window.
  • Only one exam retake is allowed within the same exam eligibility period, which begins on the date the candidate’s most-recent application was approved. 
  • The Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Knowledge Exam may be attempted only twice within a 12- month period. 
  • The recertification fee applies to certification holders who renew the designation before the certification holder’s three-year certification period expires. 
  • If a certified individual becomes inactive, the Recertification fee would not be required; instead the Inactive Status fee and Reactivation fees will apply. 
  • The candidate must start the application process over again if the Certified Financial Aid Administrator® Knowledge Exam is not taken within the candidate’s exam eligibility period, or if the candidate does not pass the retake exam, or if the certification holder does not recertify or is not placed on Inactive Status before the three-year certification designation period expires. 
  • Fees are subject to change.

*FAACs that accumulate 100 or more Recertification Points (RPs) during their certification period qualify for a 40 percent discount on recertification. Entrance into the 100+ Club is officially conferred when you recertify. 

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