SOE Case Study: East Tennessee State University

"We increased enrollment within a year." - East Tennessee State University

Joe SherlinJoe Sherlin, vice president of student affairs at East Tennessee State University (ETSU), knew that the financial aid office had been struggling to meet processing and student service demands during peak times for several years. These challenges were evidenced by not meeting enrollment management goals and lengthy lines in the days leading up to the beginning of classes. Despite internal efforts to make adjustments, the school recognized the need for an external comprehensive evaluation.

Through the NASFAA Standards of Excellence (SOE) review program, ETSU found that it could improve integration and communication between the financial aid office and bursar’s office. The SOE review also highlighted processes that could be revised or eliminated to better serve the students and reduce administrative burden on the staff. 

East Tennessee State UniversityWithin one year of the SOE review, ETSU significantly improved processing of student files, accessibility of financial aid counselors, and streamlined fee payment processes, which contributed to increases in enrollment and no lines in the financial aid office the week before classes started.

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Publication Date: 2/13/2018

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