SOE Case Study: Clarkson College

"The review gave me a baseline to make improvements." - Clarkson College

Laura Thayer-MenckeLaura Thayer-Mencke had been the director of financial aid at Clarkson College for less than a year when she had a NASFAA Standards of Excellence (SOE) Review. She was familiar with the SOE program through participating in a review at another institution but was disappointed that the school did not act on the information. "I thought it would be good to have a review, but also implement the changes recommended." When she applied for the director position at Clarkson College, she asked about having an SOE review during her interview. After Thayer-Mencke accepted the director position, she coordinated having the review right away.

"I know ED [the U.S. Department of Education] is doing more program reviews, and I thought it was important to get any compliance issues addressed quickly," she said. "The review gave me a baseline to make improvements." The personalized report a school receives after an SOE review not only outlines what the school is doing well, but also provides an action plan to address compliance issues and implement best practices or ways to improve effectiveness and efficiency. 

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Publication Date: 5/11/2018

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