Test Preview: Campus-Based Programs

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To earn this credential, you will need to be able to differentiate among the campus-based Title IV programs, which is the term commonly applied to certain federal financial aid programs administered directly by schools. You will need to know the provisions common to the campus-based programs, as well as the program-specific requirements for each program. This will help you demonstrate the ability to appropriately and effectively administer these Title IV aid programs.

The range of topics in this test include:

  • Campus-Based Common Provisions
  • The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program
  • Federal Work-Study
  • The Federal Perkins Loan Program

Tests may include questions pertaining to a variety of program structures, such as credit- or clock-hour, term or nonterm, standard or nonstandard term, undergraduate or graduate/professional programs, and programs of various length (shorter than one year, two-year, four-year, certificate, etc.).

Sample Test Questions

Select to EnlargeAll tests will include a combination of multiple-choice and scenario-based questions. Some questions may involve viewing or downloading worksheets, charts, and tables. Please ensure you have a calculator available while taking a credential test.

Review the following examples, which are similar in structure and scope to the questions that will appear on the test for this topic. Check your answers by selecting the question's link.

1. Which of the following is NOT allowed when transferring funds between campus-based aid programs?

    • FWS transfer to FSEOG
    • FWS transfer to Work-Colleges Program
    • FSEOG transfer to FWS
    • Federal Perkins Loan transfer to FSEOG

2. Provided your school submits the FISAP by the October 1 deadline, the U.S. Department of Education will provide tentative allocations for the campus-based aid programs by

    • December 31.
    • February 1.
    • March 15.
    • April 1.

3. If a student is employed under the FWS program and works for a private, for-profit organization, the federal share component of that student’s wages may not exceed

    • 75 percent.
    • 90 percent.
    • 50 percent.
    • 25 percent.

4. A proprietary school can employ students to work on campus and pay them with FWS funds with certain restrictions. Which of the following positions would be prohibited?

    • Performing community service at a local food bank
    • Providing job placement assistance to current and former students
    • Traveling with the admissions office to recruit potential students
    • Working as a tutor in the school’s tutoring center

5. When awarding FSEOG, you must first consider for awarding all students who will receive a Pell Grant in that award year. This group is referred to as the

    • primary eligible pool.
    • first selection group.
    • Pell category students.
    • principal awarding round.

Recommended Resources

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