Marvin Smith, FAAC® Photo

Marvin Smith, FAAC®

Second Year Representative-at-Large, University of California, Los Angeles

Marvin Smith, FAAC®,  has served the financial aid profession for more than 30 years and currently serves as the executive director of financial aid and scholarships at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He began his career at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, starting as a graduate student in the financial aid office. He worked at Purdue University for nearly 20 years, served as a financial aid director at Ivy Tech Community College-Lafayette for four years, and spent eight years as executive director of student financial services at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Marvin has been highly involved in the financial aid profession at the state, regional, and national levels, as well as with the College Board and the Coalition of State University Aid Administrators (COSUAA, the organization of large public university aid directors). Marvin is the past president of the Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (MASFAA) and past national chair of COSUAA. He earned his bachelor's degree and master's degree from Purdue University.

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