Amy Cable, FAAC® Photo

Amy Cable, FAAC®

First Year Representative-at-Large, Louisiana Community and Technical College System

Amy Cable, FAAC®, is currently the chief student affairs officer at the Louisiana Community and Technical College System. Amy began her career at the University of Memphis and has now worked in the financial aid profession for more than 18 years, collaborating with financial aid professionals in varying capacities at the state, regional, and national levels. Amy has served on NASFAA’s Board of Directors as the SWASFAA regional representative, and is a past president of LASFAA (Louisiana) at the local level. She successfully implemented multiple financial aid initiatives that used state dollars to increase enrollment for adult students, and is currently working with the state financial aid association in the implementation of the MJ Foster Promise Scholarship. Amy is also an accomplished writer and presenter — she co-authored "Developing Your Star Qualities: Preparing Yourself to Become the Director'' and has presented on many financial aid and enrollment management topics, including default management and communication for a greater influence.

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