Our Team

The team at Blue Icon Advisors ensures your project meets your unique needs from start to finish. Our staff and consultants will explore options for your project, identify key deliverables, and work with you to keep your project on time and on budget. 

Blue Icon contracts with nearly 100 independent consultants across the country to perform work for school clients. For each project, we match the needs of the school with the expertise of the consultant. Work may take place onsite or virtually. To learn more about our team of highly experienced consultants, please contact us for bios and resumes.

Contact Us

Mindy Eline
Mindy Eline
Executive Director
Mandy Sponholtz
Mandy Sponholtz
Director of Operations
Karen Hanley
Karen Hanley
Senior Project and Resource Manager 
Tammy Harrison
Tammy Harrison
Senior Business
Development Manager
David Page
David D. Page
Senior Business
Development Specialist
Joel Carstens
Joel Carstens
Project Manager
Kendra Allen
Kendra Allen
Project Manager

Mendy Schmerer
Compliance and Project Manager
Precious Ward
Precious Ward
Contracts Administrator
  Praacnaa Colestock
Praacnaa Colestock
Operations Assistant

 Request a Blue Icon Presentation for your organization's next conference or event.

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