Case Study: Rhode Island School of Design

Fall 2019


To evaluate student employment operations.


Anthony Gallonio, Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services, and Shannon Gallagher, Director of Financial Aid, at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) contacted Blue Icon Advisors to discuss a review of the school's student employment program, which has grown considerably in recent years. The requested review included operations, compliance, and organizational structure. The institution wanted to ensure compliance with all related laws and regulations, maximize the efficient use of resources, and improve student and staff satisfaction with the program.


Blue Icon Advisors sent one consultant to RISD for two and a half days to perform on‐site consultation services, focused on operational and organizational processes in student employment. Work completed prior to the on‐site review, including a review policies and procedures and an examination of public information via the institution's website, helped the consultant become familiar with the institution and current documented policies. While on-site, the consultant observed office operations, tested records for compliance, and conducted extensive interviews with institutional staff.


Anthony Gallonio, Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Service, commented, "I'm pleased with Blue Icon Advisors' review of our student employment operations. We were able to use the results of the evaluation to advocate for necessary resources." Shannon Gallagher, Director of Financial Aid, added, "Working with Blue Icon Advisors on the evaluation of our student employment operations was a great experience. Their advice and guidance on improving our practices and procedures was invaluable."


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Publication Date: 7/20/2020

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