Case Study: Pitzer College

August 2019


To move the school's current Professional Judgment policies and procedures into the NASFAA P&P Builder, perform a gap analysis, and a compliance evaluation.


The director of financial aid, Kara Moore, reported that many of Pitzer's written policies and procedures were outdated, having been created by former staff members and not updated since staff changes and extensive reviews of prior policies occurred at the school.


The college, in coordination with its Blue Icon consultant, selected Professional Judgement for this limited engagement, providing copies of existing written policies and procedures via Dropbox. The consultant, working off-site, entered the information into the P&P Builder and conducted the gap analysis and compliance evaluation.


To easily locate the school's information in the P&P Builder, the consultant made comments in the original documents, showing the school where the content was placed in the tool. The consultant also provided a comprehensive list of missing or incomplete policies and procedures for the PJ section.

Moore commented, "We subscribe to the P&P Builder as part of our NASFAA membership. We got started a couple of times, but work got in the way. This was a good opportunity to jump start the project." Moore added, "The final report gives us a step-by-step list of what we need to do next to complete this section in the P&P Builder."

We checked back with the school in February, and since jump-starting her policies and procedures work with Blue Icon Advisors, Moore has completed several of the preliminary sections in her P&P manual, and has added missing information based on the report she received.


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Publication Date: 12/17/2019

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