Case Study: Nevada State College

July 2019


Anthony Morrone
Anthony Morrone
Director of Financial Aid
Nevada State College


To move the school's policies and procedures into the NASFAA Policies & Procedures (P&P) Builder, as well as provide a gap analysis and a compliance evaluation


The college reported that nearly all of its policies and procedures were complete, but needed assistance uploading them into the P&P Builder. The school had been paying for access the P&P Builder for several years, but had never used it.


Blue Icon worked with the school to identify its highest priority area, which was Administrative Organization and Office Management. The school provided all the relevant documents to Blue Icon via Dropbox, and the consultant entered the information into the P&P Builder, performed the gap analysis, and the compliance evaluation. All work by the consultant was performed off-site.


To easily locate the school's information in the P&P Builder, the consultant developed a cross-reference list, showing the school where the original documents were placed in the P&P Builder. The consultant also provided a comprehensive list of missing or incomplete policies and procedures, which was a surprise to the school since they believed its policies and procedures were more complete. "I was surprised equally by how much we had and by how much we were missing," said Anthony Morrone, Director of Financial Aid.

Because work on the Administrative Organization and Office Management tab went faster than expected, Blue Icon was able to request more policies and procedures documents, allowing the consultant to upload and review documents in six additional sections of the P&P Builder. "We weren't expecting to get so many of our policies and procedures uploaded and reviewed during this engagement," stated Morrone. "But now we have insights on some deficiencies and areas we need to address."

We will check back with the school in a few months to see if the staff have enjoyed working in the P&P Builder now that we jump-started the process of moving their policies and procedures into the tool.


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Publication Date: 9/5/2019

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