Case Study: Los Rios Community College District

June 2022


To provide recommendations on financial aid policy decisions to eliminate both systemic racism and opportunity gaps for disproportionately impacted students, and redesigning current operations and organizational structure to maximize efficiency.


Los Rios Community College District includes four two‐year degree granting institutions located in northern California: American River College (ARC), Cosumnes River College (CRC), Folsom Lake College (FLC) and Sacramento City College (SCC). While technical support processes occur at the district level, the campuses develop their own policies and procedures. This often resulted in unclear accountability and communication.


Blue Icon provided a team of three consultants to evaluate policies and procedures with a student equity mindset and review all aspects of operations. The project scope included:

  • Gathering data
  • Reviewing policies and procedures (P&Ps)
  • Surveying students and staff
  • Interviewing institutional and district stakeholders, including staff, supervisors, deans, and faculty


"I was so impressed with the knowledge and experience of the consultants. They all brought different aspects and expertise to our project," said Yolanda Garcia, interim associate vice president of student resources, financial aid.

The resulting stakeholder presentation and final report detailed strengths, compliance exceptions (when discovered), and recommendations. It also included three options for financial aid organizational models. "Everyone, including the Chancellor, was impressed with the report. It provided great options with timeline and action items for each restructuring option, which other consulting firms didn’t offer," Garcia said.  

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Publication Date: 7/8/2022

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