Case Study: Lasell University

August to October 2019


To evaluate and upload the school's policies and procedures into NASFAA's P&P Builder


Lasell University worked with Blue Icon Advisors to evaluate and upload two sections of existing policies and procedures -- awarding and Title IV aid recalculation -- into the NASFAA P&P Builder. Using the P&P Builder allows Lasell University to receive notices to make future updates and remain in compliance with federal financial aid rules.


The director of financial aid, Thomas Hunt, was recently promoted from associate director to this new role prior to the beginning of our project. The timing of Mr. Hunt's promotion with the start of this engagement provided a great opportunity to coach Mr. Hunt on how to identify documents that were actual policies verses instructions on how to administer aid in the financial aid management system. Once the policies were identified and added to Dropbox, the consultant consolidated and uploaded the information into the relevant sections of the P&P Builder, noting on the school's original documents where the information was uploaded so the school could locate the information moving forward. Any missing items were noted in the final report.


The engagement with Blue Icon Advisors not only provided Mr. Hunt with a jump start on entering his P&P manual into the Builder, but also provided a basic educational foundation on policies and procedures. Mr. Hunt said, "Working with Blue Icon Advisors was great. As I work to finish areas they identified as incomplete or missing, I will be able to show continued progress to my leadership."


Are your policies and procedures in compliance with the federal rules and regulations? Do you wish your policies and procedures were all in one location? Do you need a custom solution? Complete this no obligation online form to start the conversation with Blue Icon Advisors.

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Publication Date: 12/23/2019

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