New Director Group Coaching

New Director Group Coaching

Are you a new financial aid director with less than one year of experience at the director level? If so, we invite you to participate in a professional development opportunity designed especially for you, New Director Group Coaching!*

  • Deep dive into three essential topics, described below.
  • Build your financial aid leadership skills.
  • Receive practical advice from experienced financial aid leaders.
  • Meet your peers and form a professional network.
  • Engage in a cost- and time-effective professional development opportunity with active weekly discussions.
  • A six-week virtual experience. No travel required.

*New directors should have less than 12 months of experience as a director. If you are an aspiring director please see Aspiring Director Group Coaching. If you have more than a year of experience as a director, please see Executive Coaching or email Blue Icon to explore other professional coaching opportunities. 

Carlos Villarroel"I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of this group and will take lots away from it. All of the concepts were very eye opening and will allow for us to make simple changes quickly. I would say, this has been one of the most effective training groups I have been a part of."

- Carlos Villarroel, Associate Director of Financial Aid, Portland Community College

More Testimonials

Read this article for more information about how group coaching can benefit you and your career goals. 

Upcoming Sessions

Start Date First Meeting Date Registration Deadline Registration Link

March 18, 2024*

March 22, 2024

March 15, 2024


*No session on March 29, 2024.


Weekly online meetings take place each Friday, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET for six weeks.

Weekly meetings are recorded for those who develop unexpected conflicts during the 6-week period. However, live virtual attendance is needed each week for dialog and conversation as we discuss application of ideas and concepts.


Your group will dig deep into the following essential topics during the 6-week experience.

  • Remaining in Compliance
    Identify and discuss available resources, the purposes of each, and how to remain informed in support of a compliant environment. Examine practical applications including relationship building and organizational models that support institution-wide compliance. Please note: This is not a deep dive into compliance topics or how to implement the Title IV rules and regulations. For in-depth compliance training, please contact Blue Icon.
  • Developing an Operational Calendar
    Learn the value of an operational calendar, how to manage ownership of a living document to represent actual practices, and take the first steps in creating a comprehensive financial aid calendar for your office.
  • Identifying and Supporting Staff Professional Development Needs 
    Discuss the importance of staff development, the value of clearly defined expectations, and the development of a plan to support the goals. Explore creative strategies to build a comprehensive staff development and continual training foundation for your office when limited resources exist.
  • Capstone Project: Draft Strategic Plan 
    Use new knowledge to create a short presentation that supports their leadership of the office, showing their commitment to compliance, staff development, and operational calendars, along with office goals and activities. 

Group Size

Groups are small to allow for active participation. Please note: If the minimum number of individuals for a group is not met, the group may be canceled and a refund provided. Registrants for a canceled group will be given preference for the next scheduled group.


The price includes all six weeks!

  • NASFAA Members: $1,195
  • Non-members: $1,395

Required Equipment

To participate, you must have a working webcam on your computer, the ability to participate via  speakers, and a microphone (either computer or phone), as well as access to Zoom video conferencing software (accounts are free at and Google classroom. To ensure the best possible experience, participants are strongly discouraged from participating by phone only. 

Time Commitment

For each week, your time commitment will include two hours for the group meeting, plus 1-4 hours to complete the homework assignments. 

CFAA Recertification Points and/or Letter of Completion

Available for those who participate in all six sessions and complete the six homework assignments.

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