Advertising & Career Center Frequently Asked Questions

Does NASFAA allow advertising?

Yes. Visit our Corporate Opportunities page for more information.

Ensure your brand dominates the visual landscape of financial aid professionals who turn to NASFAA for the latest information. NASFAA's website and daily newsletter, Today’s News, offer industry-leading resources and content in areas such as federal regulations, financial literacy, software and technology for the aid office, loan issues and more.

What types of advertising does NASFAA offer?

NASFAA offers opportunities to advertise on the website, in email, and in the NASFAA Buyer's Guide, detailed in the Advertising Guide.

How much does advertising cost?

It depends on the type of advertising that you choose. Details are in the Advertising Guide.

Who do I contact to advertise with NASFAA?

Please contact Carissa Uhlman.

Where is the Career Center on the NASFAA website?

The Career Center is separate from the NASFAA website and can be accessed at The Career Center is linked from the NASFAA homepage and is also in the site navigation under "About NASFAA."

How do I advertise for a job or post an open position?

Visit the NASFAA Career Center to advertise for a job or post an open position.

How much does it cost to place a job ad?

View the Products/Pricing webpage for member and non-member options.

How do I confirm my school is a NASFAA member to get the member ad rates?

To find out if your school is a NASFAA member, please contact NASFAA Membership Services at [email protected] or (202) 785-0453 x 1. You can also log in to the NASFAA site and review your myNASFAA profile to see if your institution’s membership status is active or inactive.

I tried logging in to the Career Center with my NASFAA login, but it did not recognize my information. Why not?

Your myNASFAA account and Career Center account are independent of one another. Therefore, having a myNASFAA account, does not mean you necessarily have access to the Career Center and vice versa. You must create an account in the NASFAA Career Center in order to view or post job ads.

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