SOE Case Studies & Testimonials

SOE LogoNASFAA's Standards of Excellence Review program has helped over 240 schools remain in compliance with Title IV rules and regulations. Here's what a few of them had to say about their review experience.

Some schools choose to provide anonymous testimonials, including one that had an ED Program Review shortly after.

"Our school had not received a federal program review in over 28 years. As each academic year passed without a phone call from the Department of Education my anxiousness increased. We received clean audit every year, but nothing was like a federal program review. Except for the NASFAA Standards of Excellence Review. The review experience prepared us by closely mirroring a federal review, right down to the entrance and exit interviews with our president. Only a few weeks after the NASFAA team left, I received that friendly phone call from my Department of Education Regional Office informing me they would be visiting my campus for a program review. What was the end result? For not having a program review for over 28 years, our report from ED was excellent."

"The SOE report has become a key cornerstone document for our office."

"We were fully impressed with how top notch you all are, and the best of yourselves- that you each gave to us. The efforts your super team and you put into the review will result in valuable benefits for our department, institution, and student body; now, and in years to come. The SOE report is written so well, succinctly, with evidence, references, links for reference, commentary, survey results, recommendations, and steps for implementing the recommendations that are replicable."

"Not only did we gain useful information regarding compliance with federal regulations, we were challenged to rethink the way we do things. The Standards of Excellence consultants performed a very thorough review of our application process, human resources, and facility layout. The end result was a candid summary of our strengths and weaknesses including suggestions for continued growth and development." 

"The NASFAA Standards of Excellence review was great. It was great to get affirmation of the things we are doing well and also to learn ideas to help us become even better. The reviewers were extremely professional, competent individuals who helped put you at ease. I would strongly recommend the NASFAA review, it was worth every penny. We have a wonderful road map to guide our planning for this next year."

"We were pleased that the review team involved other offices. Not only did they conduct interviews with our staff, they included the staff of the entire Enrollment Management Division as well as the Business Office. This approach was useful in engaging cooperation and building partnerships among the staff. We strongly recommend the Standards of Excellence review to any school. It was well worth the time and effort." 

"Our consulting team helped us improve our procedures and gain support from other areas of the campus. They also confirmed many things that we were doing correctly and complimented several of our processes as 'best practices' for a financial aid office. After the team's exit interview, our vice president stated that he wished that all his divisions had such a good tool."

Want more information about the SOE Review Program?

Complete the information request form or contact NASFAA's SOE Administrator by email at [email protected] or by phone at (202) 785-6953.

Have a testimony to share?

Please email information about your experience with a NASFAA Standards of Excellence Review to [email protected].

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