Lifetime Membership Award - Dr. Dallas Martin

NASFAA President Emeritus Dallas MartinDr. A. Dallas Martin, Jr., who served the association for 32 years, dedicated his career to helping students achieve their post secondary education goals. His was the constant voice of reason when legislation and regulations endangered equity in student aid. He has never wavered in his devotion to creating access and choice in higher education for all students.

Dr. Martin's passions were the public policy and technical dimensions of student financial aid. Once referred to as "Washington's most effective lobbyist," he served as NASFAA's primary liaison to the U.S. Congress, the Executive Branch, the U.S. Department of Education, and other governmental and non-governmental entities. His impact on recurring reauthorization of the Higher Education Act and ongoing regulatory debates was deep and broad and can still be felt today. Millions of students and former students have Dr. Martin to thank for their college education.

Dr. Martin was a pioneer in leading the fight to improve access and choice and in making educational opportunities a reality for any student who wants a post secondary education. Under Dr. Martin's leadership, NASFAA grew to be a powerhouse in higher education advocacy and the main point of contact on all things financial aid related. He helped lead NASFAA in providing training and professional development opportunities for generations of financial aid administrators, helping to raise the entire profession. Some of the programs and services developed under Dr. Martin's leadership include:  Encyclopedia of Student Financial Aid, the Standards of Excellence program, and award winning publications like Student Aid Transcript and the Journal of Student Financial Aid.

Before he joined the staff of NASFAA, Dr. Martin served as Director of Program Planning and Administration for the Division of Student Assistance Programs with the American College Testing program. He joined ACT after serving for a number of years as a college and university administrator and educator. Dr. Martin was Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Northern Colorado from 1972 to 1974, after having served as Associate Director of Student Financial Aid and as an Assistant Professor of College Student Personnel. Dr. Martin received a Ph.D. in College Student Personnel Administration in 1971 from the University of Northern Colorado.

In July 2007, NASFAA conferred Lifetime Membership to Dr. Martin, the highest award the association can bestow on an individual, recognizing truly outstanding and significant contributions to the student aid profession. In December 2007, Dr. Martin retired from NASFAA. He lives with his wife, Jill, in Arlington, Virginia.

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