
The NASFAA National Conference offers a variety of formats for maximizing its educational value.

The 2015 event will feature education offerings in the following formats:

Interest Sessions – These sessions typically consist of approximately 45 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes for Q and A.

Peer-to-Peer Sessions – More interactive sessions, with a lot of audience participation. The presenter/moderator sets objectives and goals for the audience, discusses the topic for no more than 15-20 minutes, and then uses the remaining time to guide and facilitate a discussion with the audience.

Half-Day Workshops – These workshops run concurrently with interest and peer-to-peer sessions. They are longer that other sessions to allow for more in-depth coverage of a topic and interaction between attendees.

Full Schedule

The full schedule for the 2015 National Conference is ready for viewing!

Search Schedule

Search the conference schedule by typing key words, a presenter's name, or the session title.

Speaker List

The Speaker List is a complete list of conference speakers, sorted by last name.

General Sessions

Check out the General Sessions for the 2015 National Conference.

Featured Speakers

Get to know our Featured Speakers, their bios and details about the sessions they will lead.

NASFAA University Half-Day Workshops

These NASFAA University workshops are free to registered attendees, but additional registration is required to ensure a spot.

Department of Education Concurrent Sessions

View a comprehensive list of the Department of Education Concurrent Sessions at the 2015 NASFAA National Conference.

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